Why does a fashion company plant trees?
Because any form of production uses resources and has an impact on the environment. In our case, the fibers that make up our clothes come from crops that are grown like any other - or from animals that need feeding. This means that at some point in time, trees will have been removed to make room for said farming and agriculture. Planting trees is what we can do to make up for what is used.
We plant trees because they:
- counteract (even nullify!) our green house gas emissions, clean up our air and slow down the warming of our planet.
- capture rainwater and reduce the risk of floods and landslides.
- increase the health and fertility of the soil through leaf litter which aids topsoil creation.
- enrich biodiversity, as they can be home to hundreds of species of insects, fungi and animals.

Plant 10,000 trees in Ghana
We've decided to join onetreeplanted.org's Ghana project, which aims to plant 30,000 trees in north-east Ghana. This project is part of the AFR100, the African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative, an initiative to restore 100 million hectares of land across Africa by 2030
Status on Ghana project
Trees planted: 500
September 1st, 2022
Ghana has lost more than 30% of its forests since the 1990s. The amount lost is of approximately 2.5 million hectares and it has an immense impact on people's livelihoods. The good news is that the Ghanian government is now committed to planting trees, protecting forests and improving land management. We'd like to give them a hand and we urge to do the same. To read more about the project, please visit onetreeplanted.com where you can support this project or any other project you find meaningful.