adjective, pronounced [yor-ded]
Jorded comes from "jord" in Danish which means earth, soil or planet earth. Originally Old Danish iorth, or Old English georð, being called Jorded is what keeps us grounded and serves as a constant reminder to put planet and people over profits.
First and foremost, Jorded is an experiment in sustainability. We want to see if truly sustainable products actually sell. If they do, we reinvest the profits to improve the fashion industry, a longtime culprit in the destruction of our planet.

A faceless brand, but the people are no less passionate
A handful of passionate environmentalists and a textile engineer contribute to the existence of Jorded. There's no big money involved.
Jorded is faceless because this isn't about us, it's about you and us and everyone and everything. We think it's an unfortunate trend among founders to make the success of their companies all about them. We don't think it's healthy and we don't want that. This is what we believe:
- That businesses exist to serve the needs of people, not to make founders rich.
- That those needs include a sustainable future, a stable climate. So it's not just about clothes.
- That doing pretty much anything for profit's sake is what got us all in this mess in the first place.
This is what our founders had to say when we launched the company in September of 2022.
Our sustainability projects
See where your money will go: We work on several projects that are all meant to improve the way clothes are made.
Collection One
We're currently designing Collection One, a permanent collection of sustainable staples for women.